Access to information
Wing Parish Council is considering the adoption of the Information Commissioner's model Publication Scheme and will publish a guide to the information that can be available under the scheme.
Requests submitted to the Parish Council under the Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations will be dealt with according too statutory guidelines, but may require liaison with other authorities such as Rutland County Council
We aim to publish as much information as we can online. However, some items are only available in print. You should be aware that the Council is entitled to withhold certain information.
Follow this link for full details about the Freedom of Information Act
You can use the form below to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act, but please check the disclosure log to see whether your query has already been raised before and the information is available.
Privacy Statement
Wing Parish Council - Privacy Statement on Data Protection, May 2018
One of the Council's roles is to encourage community involvement and participation; publication of some personal information is integral to this aim. At the same time, such publication must minimise any potential negative impact on individuals, e.g. intrusive marketing or identity theft.
The Council is bound by law to abide by the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998. The main principles of the act are given at the end of this Policy along with a link to the full online definition of the Act. It should be noted that any individual has the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner and that any upheld complaint against the Council could result in a fine.
In addition, from May 2018, the Council is bound by the provisions of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the Council has been working to ensure its compliance with this new set of regulations. Much of the GDPR relates to the electronic processing of personal information and does not affect the Council but one provision, the "right of erasure" does apply.
The position of the Council at May 2018 is to consider the adoption of a simple set of over-arching principles:
Principle 1: Permission
The Council will not gather or publish any personal data unless the purpose of the data is made clear to, and written permission has been obtained from, the data owner.
Principle 2: Single Use
Any personal data gathered as above will not be used for any purpose other than that stated when it was obtained. If the Council gathers personal data for a paper publication it may not subsequently publish that data on the internet, and vice versa.
Principle 3: Protection of Electronic Data
The Council will ensure the safe keeping of any electronic files containing personal data and will not release those files to any external party except for the purpose of printing or publication. The Council will require that any files thus released are deleted after use.
Principle 4: Right of Erasure
A data subject has the right to request erasure of personal data related to them. The GDPR states a number of grounds that pertain to this.