This is a painstaking photographic record of the many listed buildings in Wing. They are described in detail and their history is recorded. This is an invaluable record of the history and development of the village.
Wing Directory of Listed Buildings (PDF, 19.8 Mb)
Wing Directory of Listed Buildings
This directory is a photographic record of housing in the village from the nineteenth century onwards. Each house is put within its historical context and the result is a record of the architectural diversity within the village
Wing Directory of Non-Listed Buildings (PDF, 25.8 Mb)
Wing Directory of Non-Listed Buildings
The village design guide draws the two directories together but in addition looks at the architectural details of the houses. Roofs, windows, walls, gables and chimneys are recorded and put into their historical context. This will serve as a guide for future housing developments as it clearly illustrates the vernacular of Wing which should influence any future construction
Wing Village Design Guide Revision (PDF, 8.2 Mb)
Wing Village Design Guide Revision
This is a detailed analysis of the housing results of the Wing residents questionnaire. It brings together the aspects that residents find important and wish to preserve as well as views of the future development that may be needed.
Housing Position Statement as revised after NP Housing Policy Group review (PDF, 343 Kb)
Housing Position Statement as revised after NP Housing Policy Group review
Rutland County Council Officer response to Wing Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 84 Kb)
Rutland County Council Officer response to Wing Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan